Love All Blogs is a lifestyle inspiration website.  We share original articles, round ups and excerpts of our members articles, covering everything from recipes and make to home and garden inspiration through to family lifestyle and travel.

Waddesdon Manor at Christmas

After our let down by Wyevale last weekend, we decided that we needed to do something festive and so returned to somewhere that we know and love – Waddesdon Manor. Owned by the National Trust this the first place we visited when we became members in the spring of 2013 and having read rave reviews of their Christmas celebrations last year, we decided to head over to investigate.

Waddesdon Manor, National Trust

This year Waddesdon is once again host to a Christmas market – full of wonderful smells and general festiveness, a light exhibition/installation in the grounds and some areas of the house are open and dressed for Christmas. Down the hill, The Stables offers delicious festive food, a craft shed, the chance to write a letter to Father Christmas and visiting Siberian Husky dogs who are happy to pose (for a small donation) for photos and generally love a bit of attention.

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Cute but contrary

Cake Club goes to the Oscars (almost!)