Love All Blogs is a lifestyle inspiration website.  We share original articles, round ups and excerpts of our members articles, covering everything from recipes and make to home and garden inspiration through to family lifestyle and travel.

Syria and visiting families affected by the crisis

Syria and visiting families affected by the crisis

Refugee photo
I first wrote about Syria on my blog in May 2012.  It was more of a rant than an informative piece.  A rant at the lack of media attention for the Houla massacre that had taken place overnight.  A few days later I was at it again, asking “Will you Look Away“, part of a campaign suggesting this was Syria’s tipping point and that the violence had to stop.


It hasn’t.  It has got worse.   With a migrant crisis on an unprecedented scale.    It has come full circle for me in an odd way.  I wanted it on the front pages back in 2012.  I wanted the world to be talking about it, for petitions to be signed, for it all to end.    Now I don’t want it on the front pages anymore.  Not because it depresses me but because I simply still wanted it to end.   The loss of life.   The tragic stories that we get bombarded with on a daily basis are sickening.   Families separated, families grieving, families trying to get to safety.   Families in the relative safety of camps where they try to rebuild their lives whilst dreaming of one day being reunited with loved ones and getting home.

Blogging tips: Photos and videos

Blogging tips: Photos and videos

Upcycled Toy Car Christmas Ornaments

Upcycled Toy Car Christmas Ornaments