Love All Blogs is a lifestyle inspiration website.  We share original articles, round ups and excerpts of our members articles, covering everything from recipes and make to home and garden inspiration through to family lifestyle and travel.

Easy Chocolate Truffles

Easy Chocolate Truffles


We don't do Valentine's Day really - we have given each other cards over the years and for our first Valentine's Day I think Mani gave me a rose but that's it really.  We aren't that fussed and to be honest everything costs a fortune - even the cards.

I thought this year I would try my hand at making my own truffles - not to give to Mani necessarily but just to have something sweet to nibble on after supper tomorrow night.  They are surprisingly easy to make and oh my gosh they are so delicious.  The butter makes them smooth and so soft on the inside. They just melt in your mouth.



Homemade Elderflower Cordial

Homemade Elderflower Cordial